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Finance Committee Minutes 03/10/2005

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of March 10, 2005
                                        Senior Center Conference Room

Present:        Berta Bruinooge, Chair; Nancy Bone, Carl Caruso, Pat Foley, Mac Hay, Arlene Kirsch, John Makely, Sylvia Smith
Excused:        William Carlson
Chair Berta Bruinooge opened the public hearing at 7:00 p.m.

Finance Committee reviewed the Capital Improvement Plan and discussed the various sources of funding.  Mac Hay had a question about grants to which Town Administrator Tim Smith replied, “We’re very aggressive on getting grants.”  

At 7:30 p.m. Chair Bruinooge closed the public hearing and called the regular business meeting to order.

Transfer Requests
A transfer request for engine replacement of a DPW truck will be considered at the next meeting.

Letter from Police Chief Rosenthal
The suggested reply to Police Chief Richard Rosenthal’s letter regarding computer service expenses was a brief letter to all department heads with copies to the Board of Selectmen and Town Administrator.  Arlene Kirsch made a motion to send the letter, Pat Foley seconded.  The motion to send the letter carried 7-1.

FY06 Capital Budget
Tim Smith quickly reviewed the stand-alone Warrant Articles before FinCom examined the Capital Budget figures.  Chair Bruinooge wanted to know the override figure if all the Warrant Articles were to pass.  In the Capital Budget the $50,000 Upgrade Transfer Station had been removed making the total Capital Budget $1,484,128.  
Carl Caruso moved to approve the Town Administrator-Approved Capital Budget of $1,484,128.  John Makely seconded.  The motion to approve the FY 06 Capital Budget carried 7-0-1 (Kirsch abstaining).

Marina Enterprise Fund
Kirsch asked the Town Administrator if the figures were adequate taking into consideration increased gas prices.  Smith said they were okay.  Mac Hay moved to accept the Marina Enterprise Fund of $479,083.  Sylvia Smith seconded the motion.
All approved the FY06 Marine Enterprise Fund Budget 8-0.

Warrant Articles
FinCom agreed to vote on Warrant Articles for Special Town Meeting and Annual Town Meeting at this session and give explanations at the next meeting.

Special Town Meeting
Carl Caruso moved to approve the Article 1 Transfers.  Hay seconded the motion.
The Committee voted to recommend 6-1-1. (Makely dissenting, Bone abstaining)

Foley moved to approve Article 2, the transfer of a sum for Road Repair & Other DPW Projects that will be reimbursed under Chapter 246B.  Bone seconded.
On Article 2, FinCom voted to recommend 8-0.

Annual Town Meeting
Article 1, the Operating Budget, had previously been approved at the February 24 meeting by a 5-2 vote.
Article 2 Capital Budget had been recommended 7-0-1.
Article 3, the Marina Services Enterprise Fund, had been recommended 8-0.

After some discussion, Caruso moved to approve Article 4 to replace the 1998 International 6-Wheel Truck.  Makely seconded the motion.  
FinCom recommended the Article 8-0.

Pat Foley asked about the 5,688 hours on the 1998 John Deere Front-End Loader replacement of Article 5.  Smith explained that is how usage is established on that vehicle.  Caruso moved to recommend the Article; Hay seconded.
The motion to recommend Article 5 carried 8-0.

Article 6 is for Wellfleet’s share of Capital Expenditures for Nauset Regional Schools.
Makely moved to approve Article 6; Foley seconded.
Article 6 was recommended 8-0.
Article 7 for funds to the Chamber of Commerce already had the Selectmen’s recommendation.  Foley moved to approve Article 7, and Makely seconded.
On Article 7 FinCom voted to recommend 8-0.

Article 8 to accept the provisions of MGL Chapter 40 § 6c to plow private roads elicited a discussion with Town Administrator and the Selectmen in attendance.  Kirsch made a motion to reserve recommendation to Town Meeting.  Makely seconded the motion.
FinCom voted to reserve recommendation of Article 8 until Town Meeting  8-0.

Articles 9 & 10 also concerning plowing of roads were Articles that could be determined at Town Meeting.  Foley made a motion to reserve recommendation until Town Meeting; Hay seconded.
All voted to reserve recommendation of Articles 9 & 10 until Town Meeting  8-0.

Caruso moved to recommend Article 11, Contract Negotiations Wage Adjustments.  Bone seconded the motion.  All voted to recommend the Article 8-0.
Kirsch made a motion to not recommend Article 12, funds for the Juice Bar. Foley seconded.  FinCom does not recommend the Juice Bar Article 8-0.
Nancy Bone moved to recommend Article 13, a transfer of funds for paving services in anticipation of reimbursement under Chapter 291 of the Acts of 2004.  Foley seconded.  
All voted to recommend the Article 8-0.

Article 14 is for Wellfleet’s contribution to the Nauset Regional School District on per pupil basis.  Hay made a motion to recommend the Article; Kirsch seconded.
FinCom unanimously recommended the Article 8-0.

Article 15 calls for special legislation that would give the BOS the authority to reallocate the sum of Wellfleet’s contribution to Nauset Regional School District. Makely made a motion to recommend this Article; Foley seconded. All agreed to recommend 8-0.

Article 16  listed vehicles to trade in or dispose of with BOS authorization.  Kirsch motioned to recommend; Smith seconded.  All voted to recommend 8-0.

Foley made a motion to recommend Article 17 for gifts to the Town; Bone seconded.
FinCom unanimously recommended the Article 8-0.

Hay motioned to approve Article 18 regarding collection of taxes; Bone seconded.
FinCom recommended the Article 8-0.

Caruso moved to recommend Article 19, Indemnity to DEP for work in Wellfleet.  Makely seconded the motion.  
All voted to recommend 8-0.
Article 20 listed proposed new rates for fees charged by the Town Clerk. Makely moved to recommend; Caruso seconded;
FinCom recommended the Article 8-0.

Article 21 is for establishing the Community Preservation Act.  Caruso made the motion to recommend; Foley seconded;
all voted to recommend 8-0.
FinCom and the Selectmen present discussed Article 22, the Herring River 25-Acre Open Space Purchase.  Donovan stated that this Article is separate from the Herring River restoration project.  Bruinooge questioned the acreage that would be submerged if restoration project proceeds.  Kirsch asked for a presentation from Open Space/Land Bank before Town Meeting so that FinCom can make an informed recommendation.
Kirsch made a motion to reserve recommendation; Makely seconded.
FinCom voted to reserve its recommendation until Town Meeting 8-0.

Article 23, the Open Space purchase of a 4.63 acre Geiger property, also needs to be explained in a presentation by the Open Space/Land Bank Committee.  Kirsch moved to reserve recommendation until Town Meeting; Bone seconded the motion.
FinCom voted to reserve its recommendation until Town Meeting 8-0.

The other Warrant Articles did not require FinCom recommendations.

Minutes of February 10, 2005 Meeting
Nancy Bone moved to approve the amended minutes of 2/20/05. Foley seconded.  
The Committee approved the amended minutes 5-0-3.       

Minutes of February 24, 2005 Meeting
Kirsch moved to approve the amended minutes of 2/24/05. Foley seconded.  
The Committee approved the amended minutes 7-0.

Other Business
- The finance definitions were accepted and should appear in the Town Warrant.
- A draft of a FinCom statement of purpose by William Carlson was read and considered.  It will be e-mailed around to members for further tweaking.
- Information on a seminar in June to be held in Auburn was distributed.  Carl Caruso plans on attending it.

Next Two Meetings
The next meeting of FinCom will be Monday, March 21 at the Senior Center, not Thursday, March 24 as previously scheduled.  The meeting after that will be held Thursday, April 14, the second Thursday of the month.

The meeting adjourned at 9:24 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 ___________________________     
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Berta Bruinooge, Chair  
